What's New in PharmaClik Rx 2.5.2 HF3
Click on the dropdowns below to review the Fixes and Enhancements included in PharmaClik Rx 2.5.2 HF3.

Fixed: The Written Rx Date is now retained once a prescription is enrolled in AutoFill. Previously, the Written Rx Date would be removed the first time the prescription was refilled through AutoFill. For more information about AutoFill, see AutoFill: Auto-Processing Prescriptions

Fixed: When immunizations are submitted to the Nova Scotia DIS, the DIS DIN/Type for the associated medication is also submitted. This allows immunizations to be recorded in the patient's Consult tab, flagged as EHR and then sent to the DIS to indicate that an immunization occurred. For more information about the DIS DIN/PIN and Type fields, as well as documenting immunizations, see the Nova Scotia Drug Information System User Guide.

Enhancement: Downloading and reconciling PharmaClik invoices is easier than ever. Using web services, invoices are downloaded directly from the McKesson Supplier folder > Orders tab, meaning it's no longer necessary to log onto the PharmaClik website to manually download invoices. Once downloaded, invoices are automatically applied to the corresponding purchase orders and it's just one click to reconcile them. Invoices can also be reconciled individually, similar to what you do today, if that's your pharmacy's preference.

Enhancement: Microsoft Edge Chromium replaces Internet Explorer as the default internet browser supported by PharmaClik Rx. Internet Explorer reaches end of life June 15, 2022.